Luke 3:7-18 | Be fruitful

Luke 3:7-18 | Be fruitful

1.       When you think of John the Baptist what images come to mind?


2.       John’s response to the crowds is confronting. What do you think he is attacking in verses 7-9?


3.       He seems to be suggesting there is an issue of hypocrisy. How may that have been evident in his day?


4.       He also is calling them to live a life that reflects repentance. What does he say this will look like in these opening verses?


5.       The crowd are perplexed or intrigued and want it spelt out for them (see verse 10). Read through verses 11 to 14 and reflect on each of these sayings and the specific applications. 


Verse 11

Verses 12 and 13

Verse 14


What about you and me? Is this challenging for us as well?


6.       How does John respond to the underlying question of the day for the people who were there (see verses 15-16)?


7.       How is verse 17 both a word of judgement and salvation?


8.       Are faith and good deeds connected?


9.       What does it mean for each of to be fruitful today?


10.   The people of John’s day looked for the coming Messiah. What do we look for today?
