1 Corinthians 6:12-20 | Does God Love Gays?


1 Corinthians 6:12-20 | Does God Love Gays?

  1. Right at the outset acknowledge that this is a matter of sensitivity that impacts different people in different ways. Pray for God’s grace and wisdom in talking together. 
  2. Why do you think this such a complex area for us to discuss and respond to? 
  3. Are people in our church likely to have different views on this issue and the Bible’s teaching? 
  4. Look at the New Moral Rules 
    • Are they an accurate reflection of where our community is at? 
    • What do you agree with? 
    • What do you have a tension with? 
    1. The best way to find yourself is to look within yourself 
    2. People should not criticize people's life choices
    3. To be fulfilled in life you should pursue the things you desire most
    4. The highest goal in life is happiness
    5. People can believe whatever they want unless it affects society
    6.  Any sexual activity between two adults is okay 
  5. Does God love gays and would they feel welcome at St Columb’s? 
  6. What is the Bibles creation perspective on the expression of human sexuality? See Genesis 2.24 
  7. Jesus doesn’t talk about sexuality much at allbut he does refer back to Genesis 2? See Matthew 19.4-5 
  8. In our day where we have same sex marriage what should we think about this? 
  9. Over the centuries the Church has honoured and been greatly blessed by single people who have lived faithfully and made amazing contributions. Think about examples (including in Scripture) and in your life. Some of these people may have been same sex attracted, others not. 1 Corinthians 7.7 and 32-38 holds out a big vision for singleness. What is it? 
  10. What aspects of thBibles teaching on the expression of human sexuality do you struggle with (if any)? 
  11. Read the EFAC Pastoral Guidelines and reflect on whether it would be good for St Columb’s to have something similar 
