Ruth 1 | Dilemmas and Decisions


Ruth 1 |Dilemmas and Decisions 

  1. What are some decisions you’ve had to make recently?
  2. How did you go about making them?

Read Ruth 1

  1. Who made decisions in this passage and how did they make them? (cf v1, v6, v14, v16)
  2. What were the consequences of their decisions?
  3. Do you think it was the right choice for the family to move to Moab? Why or why not?
  4. What evidence can we see that shows Naomi still believed in the Lord?
  5. Why do you think Orpah listened to Naomi and left, but Ruth stayed?
  6. What do we learn from these verses about Ruth’s character? (cf v16-18)

Skim read Judges 19-21 (trigger warning: abuse/violence content). This is the context of the book of Ruth. In the coming weeks consider what God is saying by working through this ordinary family in these godless times.

  1. Think about a time when you have maybe turned away from God’s Word. What happened?

Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

  1. Are we any different to those living in the time of the judges?
  2. How should we as Christians commit to live our lives regardless of cultural norms?
  3. Sometimes we might feel that God’s involvement in our lives isn’t obvious. Think about a time when that was the case for you. Why do you think this happened? What did you do?
  4. Can you give an example from your own life where God was clearly at work, guiding you to accomplish his purpose in and for you? (Philippians 2:12-13)
