Genesis 18:1-33 | People in prayer - Abraham

Genesis 18:1-33 | People in prayer - Abraham
  1. How does God speak to you? Think about ties when this has been clear and you've had to respond. 
  2. Can we learn from Abraham or was he one of the great ones and had special experiences we will never have?           
  3. Who are these visitors?            
  4. Why would God engage in a dialogue with a person about his plans for Sodom?           
  5. Is it reasonable to assume that the city of Sodom was being fairly judged?           
  6. How was Abraham both in a unique situation and yet we have an own greater privilege and assurance? See John 15.15            
  7. Is the argument over numbers just middle eastern bargaining?           
  8. How is this unique incident an insight into the place of prayer in our lives in teasing out God's will for our lives?         
  9. Did Abraham's prayer change Abraham or God?
