1 Peter 5:1-14 | Living humbly


1 Peter 5:1-14 | Living humbly

“I” Exercises

Does God want our best today or only in the ultimate sense?

At First Glance

Read 1 Peter 5.1-14

1.           How did Peter start his letter? How was his eldership both unique but similar?

2.           Reflect on the significance of Peter exhorting the elders to be shepherds. Can you think of any connections for him personally? (see John 21 and elsewhere)

3.           List the qualities and attitudes Peter states for elders

•            V.2

•            V.2

•            V.2

•            V.3

•            V.3

4.           What is the elder’s reward?

5.           How should we understand verse 5? Is this just an age-related thing?

6.           Why does God favour the humble?

7.           There are clear links here to James 4.6-10. Is there a relationship between the exhortations we see in verses 6 and 7?

8.           List the exhortations we see in verses 8 to 11

•            Be….

•            Your….

•            Resist….

•            Stand….

•            Because….

•            And the….

•            After you….

•            Will….

•            Make….

9.           Reflect on Peter’s final greetings. Bear in mind that Babylon refers to Rome from where Peter was writing.

A Closer Look

10.        What privileges and opportunities do elders experience?

11.        Whose flock do the elders shepherd?

12.        How does one know if one is an elder?

13.        What is the balance between not pursuing dishonest gain and yet being appropriately remunerated (if a member of staff)?

14.        What is the balance between leading and not ‘lording it over people’?

15.        What is the balance between it being a job (if you’re on staff) and ‘being eager to serve’?

16.        What is the balance between life and lip for ministers of the word?

17.        How does one become humble?

18.        How do we cast all our anxiety on him?

19.        Who do we resist and how do we stand firm? Is this a solo journey?

Looking at Me

20.        Church leadership is a privilege and high calling. Why are seemingly so few open to it? Is that the way it should be?

21.        Is Peter only referring to the staff team here?

22.        How can we find the balance between holding our ministers accountable and yet encouraging and supporting them?

23.        An old adage is that part of humility is being ‘self-effacing in the presence of others’. What do you think?

24.        How do you go about casting all your cares on him? Is this a struggle?

25.        How vulnerable are we to the devil’s schemes?

Finish off these studies by reading 1 Peter 5.10-11 aloud together.

Pray Together
