The weariness of yet another lockdown
Grandparents not able to visit new grandchildren
Mourners not able to undertake the rites of grieving
Those desperate for a holiday not able to get away
Aged care residents isolated again
Homeschooling battles to re-negotiate
Zoom fatigue re-engaged
The body of Christ scattered
Plans adjusted
Work disrupted
Jobs in jeopardy
Businesses struggling
Loneliness accentuated
Anxiety re-awakened
All our disappointments
We send to the cross of Christ
Exercise options re-invigorated
Single social bubbles celebrated
Opportunity for vaccine welcomed
Hard working contact tracers congratulated
Lockdown projects re-created
Online worship possible
Decisions made to save lives applauded
All our hopes
We set on the risen Christ
Anon | Member of St Columb’s, Hawthorn