1 Peter 2:3-10 | Living stones


1 Peter 2:3-10 | Living stones

“I Exercises”

We all know the church isn’t the building so why do we keep using the term?

At First Glance

Read 1 Peter 2.3-10

1.           How are each of us a ‘spiritual house’?

2.           On what basis are we able to have such an exalted status to be a called a ‘holy priesthood’?

3.           What are these spiritual sacrifices we offer to God?

4.           What is Peter referring to when he talks about this ‘stone in Zion’? What impact does this special stone have? What is the significance of this stone being the cornerstone? 

5.           Unpack what Peter means by each of these wonderful ways of describing each of us as the people of God?

•            Chosen people

            Royal priesthood

            Holy nation

            God’s special possession

6.           Do we have links to the people of Israel? See Exodus 19.3-6

7.           Read Hosea 2.23 to see the link with verse 10 here.

A Closer Look

8.           How do we ‘come to him’ (v.3)?

9.           In the ancient world what was the spiritual house for Jewish people?

10.        In our current world where is the house of God?

11.        Are we priests to perform ceremonies or to do something else?

12.        What sort of sacrifices do we offer?

13.        In what sense is this an on-going building project?

14.        How is Jesus as our cornerstone a model for us?

15.        What is the purpose of this temple we make up? See verse 9

Looking at Me

16.        When have you more fully sensed this incredible vision of the people of God?

17.        Does everyone have a place and role in this spiritual temple?

18.        How well is the church/our church going in fulfilling this exalted vision?

19.        What do we do about the buildings we refer to as the church? Let them crumble and fall or use them as a means to an end?

Curly Questions

Are we to be the exclusive brethren or an inclusive community?

Pray Together
