John 20:19-31 | God's peace


John 20:19-31 | God's peace

1. Introduction: thinking about the resurrection

a) In your experience of Good Friday and Easter recently, have you come to any new realisations about people around us, your own life or death or Jesus’ death and resurrection?


2. Doubting and believing in Jesus’ resurrection

a) Read v19-25.

The disciples other than Thomas saw Jesus alive and saw the evidence that he truly was Jesus who had been crucified (v20) and joyfully believed in him.

What evidence do we have today? (see e.g. v31).

b) Why is believing in Jesus important? (see v31 and John 1:29, John 3:16).

c) Think of someone you know who is not a Christian believer  or is a nominal Christian or is struggling with belief.

What can you do or pray for them?


3. The resurrection and Jesus’ peace and presence

a) How does the world around us seek personal peace?

b) Jesus offers believers his - - - - through his presence with them (v19,21,26)

c) How does his peace come to us? (v22)

d) The Holy Spirit is God and is the Spirit of Christ (see Philippians 1:19 and Galatians 4:6). He is Jesus being present with us and in us. How does this Bible truth affect our prayers?

e) Jesus offers us peace in the midst of life’s difficulties. What are the circumstances in v19? What are the circumstances in v21-23?

How does this help us live life as followers of Jesus?


4.Jesus’ resurrection and gospel mission

a) Following on from Jesus’ gift of peace, he commissions his disciples for a task together (v21).

The primary focus of this mission is described in v23. What is his mission about?

b) Finish the sentence:

“The primary focus of our mission as Christians together is to communicate  ________”

c) “Some will accept the good news of their sins forgiven through Jesus’ death and others will reject it and so their sins will be retained by them”.

What do you think of this summary of v23?

d) Jesus challenges Thomas : “Stop doubting and believe” (v27)

When is this sort of challenge appropriate in Gospel mission? Does it apply to you?
