Anzac Day

Anzac Day

To what extent is our approach to Anzac Day impacted by our own families and how they responded to the day?

Anzac Day hasn’t always been such a huge day in our country. What do you think has led to its current venerated status?

Reflect on Micah 4.1-4

How does this future vision impact our lives today?

Reflect on Hebrews 10.32-11.1

Most of us have lived our lives in relative peace and prosperity. That hasn’t always been the case for many believers in the past and is still the case for many today. How should we respond to conflict? What bigger perspective should we embrace?

Reflect on John 15.9-17

Why do you think verse 13 has become almost a motto for those who serve in armed conflicts? Is this what Jesus had in mind? In what ways may modelling ourselves on him involve sacrifice and suffering and maybe even loss of life?

What is the fruit we should be seeking to bring forth?


How should we remember the fallen?

How should we act to ensure that war is no more?

How should our Christian values impact the way we live today, both personally and in our community?

What questions still remain for you in the context of this conversation/reflection?
