Luke 19:28-44 | Jesus comes to Jerusalem


Luke 19:28-44 | Jesus comes to Jerusalem

When you think about the ideas of kings and queens how do you react?

If we talk about Jesus as a king do you find that helpful or troubling or something else?

Do you yourself ever reflect on Jesus being the king of your heart?

Looking into the passage.

  1. After Jesus had said what? (v. 28)
  2. Is there any significance associated with the details associated with the procuring the colt for Jesus to ride on?
  3. How is Jesus acknowledged and what is the significance of the actions of the people?
  4. In what sense can we say that he comes into Jerusalem as a king?
  5. Why do they acknowledge him?
  6. Why are the Pharisees agitated?
  7. Jesus entry into Jerusalem produces mixed emotions for him – what is going on?
  8. When Jesus says, ‘you did not recognise the time of God’s coming to you.’ (v.44) what does he have in mind?
  9. Bishop Tom Wright has said, ‘ Hosanna is a Hebrew word which mixes exuberant praise to God with the prayer that God will save his people and do so right away’. Reflect on what that may have meant for those who were gathered on that day and then reflect on what that might mean for each of us today.
  10. Jesus comes to Jerusalem as king – how can we celebrate and express that today?
