Esther 2 | Strangers

Esther 2 - Strangers

Study notes on Esther 2 based on Peter Adam's book Esther - for such a time as this in the Bible today series.

Q: Reflect on the challenges of living in this world as foreigners and exiles (1 Peter 2:11) while at the same time living responsibly in this world, doing good, and witnessing to your hope in Christ (1 Peter 2:12-23; 3:15-16)

Q: Make a list of compromised people that God used in the Old Testament. Then list compromised people who God used in the New Testament. What can we learn from these lists?

 Q: In what ways is the book of Esther an encouragement to Christians who live in a non-Christian or post-Christian world, either in the two-thirds world, or in the West?

Q: What have you learnt from this chapter of Esther?

If a person who was not a Christian believer asked you what you had learnt from this chapter of Esther, how would you answer the question?
