Proverbs | Foolishness

Foolishness 21/6

As wisdom is depicted as a woman (ch 31) so is folly. Each has their own beauty and reasoning. Each has its own reward. One is the path to life, the other to death. These are simply practical observations from life though, in the wider Biblical context, they are also theological truths.

There are shades of foolishness and different words used to describe it in Proverbs.

Here are some texts from each category of foolishness: If you are doing this in a small group it will be helpful to break into smaller groups to look at each section and report back to the whole small group.

Q: What are the marks of the different types of fools?

The simple:  1.10,22; 12.11; 14.15,18; 15.21,18;  22.3

The fool (class A): 1.29; 10.1; 13.16; 15.1,14,20; 17.24,25;  26.7,9,11

The fool (class B): 14.9; 20.3; 27.3,22; 29.9

The mocker: 3.32; 21.23; 22.10; 25.8,9

How do we avoid foolishness?

  1. Guard our hearts: 4.23 - the words for heart occur over 90 times in Proverbs.

The heart is the seat of the personality, not just the emotions, In Biblical thought it represents the core of a person who makes rational and emotional decisions.

Q: What does the emphasis on the internal life in Proverbs teach us about the importance of our thoughts, emotions, and inner life for our outer actions of wisdom or foolishness?

2. Seek the grace of wisdom

Read Proverbs 2.1-11

Q: Where does wisdom come from and how does it have its effect on our hearts?

Q: Why is this different to the usual advice we hear of: ‘Just try harder?’
